Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dennis Ritchie, Co-creator of C and Unix, Dies on Oct 12, 2011

A giant of modern technology passed away recently, after a battle with cancer and other ailments. His efforts transformed the computing industry, and the fruits of his life's work animate the products that surround us. This may sound like late news to you, but I'm not writing about Steve Jobs. Rather, the man in question is Dennis Ritchie, who died last week at age 70, and without whom not only Apple products but countless other technologies might look very different.

Dennis M. Ritchie, who was often know by the handle dmr, made two transformative contributions to technology.

First, he created the C programming language (with some help, particularly from Ken Thompson, his colleague at Bell Labs, which Ritchie joined in 1967). The C language lives on today, as do its successors C++ and Java. It wasn't the first programming language, of course, but it was an especially important one, embodying an optimal level of abstraction—intuitive enough to easily grasp, while technical enough to get the job done. "It lets you get close to the machine, without getting tied up in the machine," Brian Kernighan, a Princeton computer science, told the New York Times for its obit. C was an all-purpose language, a kind of lingua franca for the technological age, intended to spur collaboration.

The structure of C—its eminent usability—was almost a political statement; Ritchie once called it "a system around which fellowship can form." Reading about the development of C—and Ritchie wrote a fairly exhaustive account here—you begin to feel that its invention was a crucial branching moment, one in which a few visionaries glimpsed capabilities overlooked by their peers.

Ritchie's second great achievement was to co-develop the Unix operating system. Unix would eventually spawn Linux, on which many of the world's data centers run. Many of the world's popular operating systems, too, particularly in mobile—Android and iOS, for instance—in one way or another descend from Unix. "[P]retty much the entire Intnernet runs on" the Unix kernel, Rob Pike of Google told Wired.

Shortly after the news of his death was announced--the first mention online appears to have come from the Pike's Google+ profile (he was a friend and former colleague)—encomiums began accruing on YouTube and elsewhere.



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