Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Top 10 work habits that people must try to avoid

Top 10 work habits that people must try to avoid
By   siliconindia news bureau
Friday, 28 May 2010, 16:25 IST

Bangalore: The world over, various research are being carried out by trainers and experts to enhance work efficiency and productivity of the workforce. Many methods have been implemented across organizations, with a lot of cost incurred, to improve productivity at work. While some employee habits are not as detrimental, the others may cause the people caught in the act face adverse consequences, reports Sanjeev Sinha of The Economic Times.

To better the prospects of the employees in the workplace, here is a list of undesirable work habits that hinder productivity and so one must always attempt to avoid them:

1] Poor planning
People come to work every day with no proper agenda in place, in terms of what work they want to do in the day. They have no goals set to achieve. "Lack of planning of the day at work or at the job is one of the most 'non-productive' habits at the workplace. This can, however, be rectified by a simple basic discipline of starting the day with some basic agenda in place," says Alok Bansal, CEO, Alethia Education Services.

2] Superiority complex
If you feel you're better at your work than others, then you are in for some serious problem. If you don't pay any heed to what others have to say and don't give any regard to the view points of your colleagues; it causes more crisis to you in the long run than anyone else.

3] Not maintaining notes
A lot of time is wasted in looking for information that has not been noted or properly recorded. It is a common trend nowadays that people don't make notes of conversations with clients or peers. "Despite the tools available today, most of us seem to be losing on this count. Simple yet important things like relevant phone numbers or contact details of clients are lost or need to be searched. This causes immense loss of time and effort. As they say, information is the key and will always remain a powerful tool in the corporate world," adds Bansal.

4] Dependency on mails
A majority of people are dependent on their mails to find out what work is to be done. The philosophy of 'if the inbox is empty, the work is done' is followed which is not setting a proper trend.

5] Not being a team worker
It is not enough that one is good at his work. One should cooperate with his team mates so that work gets done effectively. If you have adjustment problems with the team you are working with, then work does not get done efficiently.

6] Not able to fit in your workplace
Not getting acclimatized to your work environment and adapting to the ethics of workplace creates a troubled surrounding to work at and dissatisfied workers.

7] Unpunctuality
Considered an HR problem, tardiness is a topic on which a lot of research has been put in. Reaching late to one's work and meetings can jeopardize one's career and also impact productivity.

8] Poor time management
It is a common occurrence in workplaces that while some people constantly crib about more work pressure, few others claim of less work. In this regard, Bansal says that if one is looking to rise up the ladder, one has to manage time well.

9] Gossips and loose talk
Gossip mongers in any organization are at best avoided. Yearly appraisals have shown this group to get the lowest scores. So loose talks do not help anyone grow rather performance does.

10] No sense of responsibility/ownership
If you are not responsible for your activities or don't own up your mistakes, this will endanger your career in the time to come.